The Organizers and Participants of VALOIS FEST express special gratitude to Kevin O'Hare, Director of the Royal Ballet;
Susan Jaffe, Artistic Director of the American Ballet Theatre; Tan Sagturk, Founder and CEO of Tan Sağtürk Akademi; Zeynep Taner, Founder and Manager of Tan Sağtürk Akademi Izmir-Mavisehir; Mikhail Baryshnikov, Artistic Director, Baryshnikov Arts; Nima Kiann, Founder and Artistic Director Les Ballets Persans; Natalia Zilber Director of The Russian Classical Ballet Academy; Carlos Prado Artistic Director of the Companhia Nacional de Bailado (National Ballet of Portugal), Alexandr Sovostyanov, Director of Astana Ballet; Galym Akhmedyarov, Director of Astana Opera; Saifiddinzoda Kamoliddin Sharofiddin, Director of the Sadriddin Aini Tajik State Academic Opera and Ballet Theatre; Nizomi Muhriddin Zainiddin, Rector of the Mirzo Tursunzade Tajik State Institute of Culture and Arts; Kholov Mehriddin, Head of Department international relations TSICA named after Mirzo Tursunzoda, to partner companies for financial, technical, informational and other assistance in organizing Online and Offline events of the Festival.
The VALOIS FEST continues to receive Greetings from Partners and Honored Guests.

By decision of the Organizing Committee, participants, partners, honored guests of the Festival and the Dance Contest can be awarded the VALOIS FEST Memorable Medal.
The VALOIS FEST festival opens up a wide range of opportunities for Partners to present and promote their business and creative assets (products, services, equipment, etc.).
VALOIS FEST provides Partners with the following benefits:
VALOIS FEST helps the Partner Company to promote and advertise its business and creative assets (goods, services, equipment, etc.). Information about the Partner of VALOIS FEST is published in the Internet resources and information materials of the Festival. On-Line and Off-Line events of the Festival are a good platform for advertising products and services of the Partner Company.
VALOIS FEST helps to expand the Partner's range of services. At the Festival events, our partners meet with potential buyers and clients from different regions and countries, thereby increasing the number of orders for products, services, equipment, etc.
VALOIS FEST events are a good opportunity for the Partner's company to establish business and cultural cooperation with companies from other countries. VALOIS FEST assists the Partner Company in opening new representative offices, branches, departments and stores, both in its homeland and in other countries.
VALOIS FEST is a good opportunity to form a positive international image of the Partner's company. Projects in the field of Culture are always favourably accepted in different countries. The Partner's company can support the participants of the Festival and help them receive awards, diplomas, medals and other prizes. Many participants of the Festival will soon become outstanding figures in the field of Culture, Theatre and Choreography. VALOIS FEST partner companies will undoubtedly receive many thanks and positive feedback from the Festival participants, their teachers and fans.
INVITATION TO VALOIS FEST AS AN HONORED GUEST. We will be happy to invite the Founders and Managers of the Partner Company as Honored Guests to the Festival events.
We will consider various options for partnership (cooperation) that may be of interest to your Company.
Well-known figures of choreographic, musical and theatrical art, representatives of partner companies and other organizations are invited as Honorary guests of VALOIS FEST.
Honorary guests of VALOIS FEST have the following privileges:
Meeting and accompanying the Honored Guest at the Festival events
Priority seat at the Festival events
Greeting of the Honored Guest to the Festival participants. The Honored Guest is given the right to address the Festival participants with a Greeting speech. The Greetings is published in the Internet resources and the Festival Album, which will be presented to the Participants, Honored Guests and Partners.
The right to express your opinion when determining the list of winners in various categories of the VALOIS FEST Contest
Advertising of the Company represented by the Honored Guest at the Festival. In the Internet resources and publications of the Festival there will be references to the Partner's company or Honored Guest's company.
VALOIS FEST Memorable Medal, Diploma and valuable gift. By decision of the Organizing Committee, Partners and Honored guests of the Festival and the Dance Contest can be awarded the VALOIS FEST Memorable Medal. Diplomas and Valuable gifts from the Organizers will be prepared for Partners and Honored guests.
Other privileges
If the Guest of Honor cannot personally attend the events of the VALOIS FEST, he will receive the Medal, the Diploma, and the valuable gift by mail delivery.