60 х 60 cm, 70 х70 сm, 80 х 80 сm
Neckerchiefs can be made from the following materials (fabrics).
Natural silk is a noble luxurious fabric with a delicate plastic structure and a charming soft sheen. Natural silk is often used for the production of premium clothing and accessories. For many centuries, people who use natural silk in their wardrobe have demonstrated to society their refined taste and aristocratic manners.
Charmus Lux is a flowing, smooth and silky fabric with a pleasant sheen. By its properties, Charmus Lux is a fabric similar to Natural silk. The fabric is durable and wear resistant. It is characterized by a long service life.
Silk-stretch - a glossy sliding fabric with a matte sheen. This fabric is able to fit into the delightful waves of drapery. By its properties, Silk-stretch is a fabric similar to Natural silk.