The International Festival VALOIS FEST is dedicated to the 125th anniversary of the birth of Ninette de Valois, an outstanding choreographer and teacher.
Members of the EAF Club visited the TAN SAĞTÜRK AKADEMI, where they met with the Director of the TSA
Mr. Tan Sagturk and manager Mrs. Zeynep Taner.
EAF and AECA, participates in the events of the Cultural and Educational Program THEATER-MUSIC-FINE ARTS.
EAF, as part of a delegation of 27 British companies from various fields, visited Tatarstan. The delegation was headed by the British Ambassador to Russia, Sir Laurie Bristow.
EAF and AECA organized the International ETHNO-cultural festival-competition ETHNO ART FEST: exhibitions, fashion shows, presentations and other events.
As part of the program of the ETHNO ART FEST, a concert "Dialogue of Cultures" was organized.
EAF and AECA, participated in the organization of the UNESCO International Scientific Conference within the framework of the II International Forum "World Culture as a Resource for Sustainable Development".
EAF and AECA, took part in events in Cambridge: the presentation of the book "South to the Great Steppe: Thomas and Lucy Atkinson's Journey to East Kazakhstan, 1847-1852" and the Navruz Festival.

The Ukrainian-British exhibition "DANCERS & FLOWERS" presents art objects from private collections of EAF Club members. Authors of art objects Konstantin Lomykin (Ukraine) and Ray Kingsley (Great Britain).

The Ukrainian-British exhibition "VILLAGE LIFE" presents art objects from private collections of EAF Club members. Authors of art objects Sergey Vasilkovsky (Ukraine) and Alfred Munnings (Great Britain).

EAF Club took part in organizing an exhibition
«George Frideric Handel. 330th anniversary of birth».

The EAF Club took part in the organization of the exhibition «Kenneth MacMillan. 90th anniversary of his birth».